Data Structures
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View project video on Vimeo
Tools used: JavaScript including jQuery and AJAX, D3.js, HTML, CSS, Handlebars, SQL, DynamoDB, AWS, Leaflet, TAMU GeoServices
Data Structures is a course within the Data Visualization MS curriculum at Parsons School of Design. The course progresses through three core projects that culminate in a front end website pulling data from SQL and noSQL databases each student creates.
Temperature Sensor:
For this project, I soldered, wired, and connected a Particle sensor to record the temperature of my apartment every minute for 40 days. I stored this data in an SQL table, and queried it in the creation of a D3.js line graph.
AA Meeting Map:
This project began by parsing and cleaning 10 zones of meeting data for Alcoholics Anonymous meetings across Manhattan including gathering latitude and longitude locations using TAMU GeoServices. I created JSON objects of the necessary information and structured my data into multiple SQL tables to cover both meeting and location details. I queried these tables and plotted meetings by day of the week onto an interactive Leaflet map. By using jQuery, the user can select each day of the week to see the meetings available that day.
Process Blog:
This project was an exercise in using noSQL tables to store data. I created a dynamoDB table through AWS to create and store process blog entries relating to my progress in the Data Structures course. I used Handlebars to structure the blog consistently between the three primary key topics.